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 Debris management for wellbore tools

Views : 464
Update time : 2021-04-07 19:40:50
 Debris management is an important consideration 
when drilling, completing and producing a well. Unwanted 
debris can be responsible for many problems and unforeseen 
costs, particularly in highly deviated holes, extreme water 
depths, and extended reach applications. This debris is 
generated from a number of sources, including formation 
cuttings, mud solids, milling, shoe track drill outs, cementing, 
gun debris and ferrous residuals from casing wear. When 
debris is left behind in a wellbore, it can ruin a complex multimillion dollar completion and increase the risk that a well will 
never achieve its full potential.
 This paper focuses on the mechanical aspects of 
debris management that impact various operations performed 
during drilling and completion. Each operation has its own 
challenges and specific characteristics that require different 
wellbore clean out tool configurations and procedures. These 
range from simple casing scraper/brush combinations to 
complex assemblies consisting of mills, string magnets, 
circulating tools and downhole validation filters, in addition to 
brushes and casing scrapers for multiple casing/liner 
geometries. While difficult to quantify in terms of cost savings 
and time efficiency, proper debris management is inarguably 
an important element of any well program
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